Toll free number for borrower to call Beneficiary or Authorized Agent
(R. C. Temme Corporation, Real Estate Broker – CA Dept. of Real Estate #00531243 NMLS #295637) to discuss options to avoid foreclosure: 1-800-827-5626

Toll free number to HUD-certified housing counseling agency: 1-800-569-4287

Options to avoid foreclosure If you qualify and the lender agrees, below is a list of options to avoid foreclosure:

  • Refinance
  • Forbearance
  • Loan modification
  • Sell the property
  • Borrower could work a second job
  • Borrower could find a roommate

Please note that the above list is not exhaustive – other options may exist. Also, there is no agreement regarding any option to avoid foreclosure until it is put in writing and signed by you (the borrower) and the lender. All foreclosure prevention alternatives are subject to conditions and lender approval.

List of Financial Documents Borrower should collect to discuss the above Options: Proof of current income is helpful.

To submit a complete application for a foreclosure prevention alternative, the following documents must be submitted to R.C. Temme Corp.:

1. Pre-workout agreement (signed by all borrowers).  Pre Workout Agreement
2. Written request for a foreclosure prevention alternative.
3. Financial worksheet showing what payments the borrower can afford. Pre Workout Agreement

These items can be faxed to 818-703-0126, emailed to, or mailed to Attn: Loan Servicing, R.C. Temme Corporation, P.O. Box 667, Woodland Hills, CA 91365. Any applications for a foreclosure prevention alternative that do not contain the above documents will be considered incomplete.  The borrower will have 10 business days from RCTC’s receipt of the incomplete application to submit the necessary documentation to complete the application.

Financial documents Borrower should collect to discuss the above Options: Proof of current income is helpful, but not necessary. 

Trustee Sales & Postponements

TS Number
Borrower Last Name
Street Name
Trustee Sale Date
2022-2188 Nowell Clayton Street 4/18/2025
2023-1519 Venzke Covina Blvd. 3/18/2025